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The Foresworn. We are a people's alliance.

We shall serve our friends in valor and faith. We shall defend the weak and become the strong. We shall live by honor and glory and take only the rewards we deserve. We shall guard our fellow knights and destroy those wicked ones among us. We shall never refuse a challenge from an equal. We shall never turn from our friends or run from our foes.
Because together we are united.
Together we are strong. We are just.
This is The Code of The Foresworn Order, as laid down by The First Knight Roland.


The Foresworn Order is a group of alliances created to unite towards their own greater cause; freedom in unity. We are represented by a wide variety of players from many different backgrounds and nationalitites.  We demand integrity and respectfulness from all of our players, but first we intend on earning it. Members earn their position within their alliances by both their words and their actions.


We live by our Tenets:

  1. Courtesy

  2. Integrity

  3. Persevearance

  4. Self Control

  5. Intomitable Spirit


And we strive to achieve The Three Summons:

  • Focus

  • Knowledge

  • Wisdom

Help is About You: Check out our links as we update our game tips.

You should check out our different branches on the About Page.

Contact the leadership team for passwords.
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